1) Angular JS = Used In Single Page Application (SPA). 2) It is very powerful JavaScript Library. 3) It extends HTML DOM Attributes and make responsive User Action. [] 4) Angular JS is open source Web application Framework. Features:5) Angular JS is powerful JavaScript development framework to Create RICH Internet Application (RIA). 6) Angular JS provides developer Option to write Client Side Application (Using JavaScript) in a clean MVC (Model View Controller) way. 7) It cross-browser Compatibility. Angular JS handles JavaScript code suitable for each browser.
Overall above Points I can Say: ** Angular JS is open Source framework to build large scale and high performance web application while keeping them as easy-to-maintain.
Core Features: 1) Data-Binding: It automatic synchronization of data between model and view Components. 2) Scope: These are object that refers to Model. They act as glue between Controller and view. 3) Controller: It is JavaScript Function that are bounds to particular Scope. 4) Services: Angular JS come with several Built-in Services for example $http to make an XMLHttpRequests. These are singleton object which are Instantiated only once in App. 5) Filters: These select a subset of item from an array and return into new Array. 6) Directives: Directives are markers for DOM elements like (Elements, attributes, CSS and more). It is used for create Custom Html Tag that serves as new, custom Widgets. Angular JS has built-in directives like (ng-app, ngmodel). 7) Template: These are the rendered view with information from the controller and model. It can be single file (index.html) or multiple view with one page using ‘Partial’. 8) Routing: It is concept of switching Views. 9) Model View Whatever: MVC is used for design pattern for dividing application into different parts like (Model, view, Controller). Angular JS doesn’t need MVC structure in traditional sense, but it rather something close to MV-VM (Model View or View Model). Model View Whatever.
10) Deep linking: Deep Linking allows to encode the application state in URL so that can be bookmarked. The application can be restored from the URL to the same state. 11) Dependency Injection: Angular JS has built-in dependency Injection subsystem that helps the developers by making application easy to develop, test and understand.
Advantages of AngularJS:1) AngularJS provides capability to create Single Page Application in a very clean and maintainable way. 2) AngularJS provides data binding capability to HTML thus giving user a rich and responsive experience 3) AngularJS code is unit testable. 4) AngularJS uses dependency injection and make use of separation of concerns. 5) AngularJS provides reusable components. With AngularJS, developer write less code and get more functionality. 6) In AngularJS, views are pure html pages, and controllers written in JavaScript do the business processing. 7) On top of everything, AngularJS applications can run on all major browsers and smart phones including Android and iOS based phones/tablets.
Disadvantages of AngularJS:Though AngularJS comes with lots of plus points but same time we should consider the following points− Not Secure − Being JavaScript only framework, application written in AngularJS are not safe. Server side authentication and authorization is must to keep an application secure. Not degradable − If your application user disables JavaScript then user will just see the basic page and nothing more.
Angular JS Components: They are three main part of components: 1) Ng-app: This directive defines and links to an Angular JS application to HTML. 2) Ng-model: This directive binds the values of Angular JS Application data to HTML Input controls. 3) Ng-binds: This Directives binds the Angular JS data to HTML Tag.
1) Point to Angular JS App: When we place ng-app at that time Angular JS application start/ link to html page.[Example: